"MEH KITA FIKIR FIKIR KAN" "Jika Anda Mengenal Diri dan Musuh Anda, Anda Tidak Akan Kalah Dalam Seratus Pertempuran" " LAWAN TETAP LAWAN "
Ni Pengikut Gua
Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world

Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world to work and live in, while Malaysians are warm, friendly people who easily accept foreigners into their circle of friends.
Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world to work and live in. In addition, the country's tropical climate with its uniform temperatures allows light, comfortable clothing throughout the year.
Expatriates and their families will enjoy a safe and comfortable living environment with 21st century amenities, good healthcare and medical facilities, excellent educational institutions, and world-class recreational and sports facilities - at costs much lower than in their own countries.
One of the country's most distinctive features is its rich diversity of cultures, a heritage derived from its racial mix of some of the world's oldest civilisations - Malay, Chinese and Indian. This potpourri of race and culture has enabled Malaysians to speak at least two, and even three, languages - Malay (the national language), English, and their own mother tongue. Living in such a cosmopolitan environment, Malaysians are warm, friendly people who easily accept foreigners into their circle of friends.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Bagan Pinang Parlimen Teluk Kemang (Tentera n Politik)
Rules have been breached; precedence have been set, and since there has been no ruling forthcoming by the Election Commission, politicians from both the political divide can now go into any army camp unobstructed, to do their politiking and campaigning during an election. Blood too has been split during the campaigning, and we even had one Abd Azeez Abd Rahim seeking solace in the hospital, reportedly having been assaulted by some PAS supporters. The police has yet to make any arrest, simply because they were not able to identify the person(s) that assaulted Azeez, spelt with two 'e' instead of an 'i'. (what a strange spelling).
Now, it is the BN that has broken the rules and set the precedence to new heights , and it is the army that has now become a mere 'tool' to these politicians. Why have the army stoop so low? To the soldiers of Bagan Pinang, please remember that your loyalty is to the King and country, and not to Isa Samad, the BN candidate and a tinted one too.
It does not really matter to me now whom the soldiers have voted, because their votes have been cast. But if they voted for Isa Samad because of the promises that he and the BN has made, and the 'bribes' that they gave and of which the soldiers unashamedly took, then I would call all the soldiers a scum. But if they have voted with a clear conscience that the BN is truly the only party that can serve them and the people well, then they have fulfilled your responsibility.
Having seen the malfeasance of the BN in Bagan Pinang by-election, especially with regards to the 'invasion' of the army camps without regards for the 'scancity' of the camps to political campaigning, then this has made the army seen to be an institution that is no longer apolitical.
This is a shame, and some thing that the army leaders today must take note of, that they should not be subservient nor feel beholden to politicians, and to willingly stoop to their whims and fancies. Soldiers adorn their uniforms with pride and honour, and be respected by the public.It is for this very reason that I still adore photos of me in my uniform, and how could it be possible that I ignore those pictures with the uniform that I had worn for 33 years?