"MEH KITA FIKIR FIKIR KAN" "Jika Anda Mengenal Diri dan Musuh Anda, Anda Tidak Akan Kalah Dalam Seratus Pertempuran" " LAWAN TETAP LAWAN "
Ni Pengikut Gua
Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world

Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world to work and live in, while Malaysians are warm, friendly people who easily accept foreigners into their circle of friends.
Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world to work and live in. In addition, the country's tropical climate with its uniform temperatures allows light, comfortable clothing throughout the year.
Expatriates and their families will enjoy a safe and comfortable living environment with 21st century amenities, good healthcare and medical facilities, excellent educational institutions, and world-class recreational and sports facilities - at costs much lower than in their own countries.
One of the country's most distinctive features is its rich diversity of cultures, a heritage derived from its racial mix of some of the world's oldest civilisations - Malay, Chinese and Indian. This potpourri of race and culture has enabled Malaysians to speak at least two, and even three, languages - Malay (the national language), English, and their own mother tongue. Living in such a cosmopolitan environment, Malaysians are warm, friendly people who easily accept foreigners into their circle of friends.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Rais anak Yatim ,, apa lah lu SENGAL
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Gani setail n the Bastat Guy///
Thursday, July 26, 2012
PERISIK DI DALAM JEMAAH PAS....... baca n cerah kan minda anda,,,
110% kopi pes dari ABU NAWAS
Dalam satu perasmian mesyuarat agung PAS di satu kawasan di era reformasi Mahfuz Omar yang ketika itu Ketua Dewan Pemuda Pas Pusat menyatakan betapa ahli PAS akan mudah kagum kepada sesorang yang petah berkata dan bertitle seperti ustaz, haji dan bermacam macam title lagi.
Katanya lagi nasib baik keADILan di tubuhkan, jika tidak sudah tentu Marina Yusof yang ketika itu menjadi Naib Presiden keADILan akan menjadi ketua muslimat Pas kerana sifat mudah kagum ahli Pas.
Sememangnya kata2 Mahfuz itu ada kebenarannya. Ianya bukan saja berlaku kepada Pas tapi di kalangan orang melayu tanpa mengira apa parti dan organisasi pun. Kiranya anda seorang yang petah bercakap walaupun tanpa fakta bersiap sedialah anda akan di lantik sebagai ajk parti, PIBG, masjid dan apa saja mesyuarat yang anda hadiri...
Kelemahan atau sifat sebegini telah di ambil kesempatan oleh mereka2 yang mempunyai cita cita untuk memegang jawatan dalam parti. Kelemahan ini juga telah memberi peluang kepada perisik perisik UMNO @ pihak keselamatan untuk menyusup masuk ke dalam organisasi parti.
Sejarah telah membuktikan segalanya yang telah terjadi terhadap mereka2 atau parti2 yang menjadi penentang BN/Perikatan. Perisik periksik ini adalah mereka2 yang berjawatan penting dalam organisasi dan parti. Tugas mereka adalah mengeluarkan maklumat parti dan yang keduanya memporak perandakan parti.
Lihat saja setiausaha agung Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) Le Tek adalah seorang perisik kepada Perancis. Siapakah antara ahli PKM akan terlintas di hatinya seorang yang berjawatan tertinggi dalam PKM adalah seorang ajen kuasa luar. Akibatnya hampir kesemua Jawatankuasa PKM Pusat mati akibat di serang hendap oleh pihak British yang askar2nya adalah orang melayu yang kononnya pejuang kemerdekaan. Segala maklumat PKM berjaya di tembusi oleh pihak British.
Bagaimana pula dengan cerita Zaid Zahari 2 jam sebelum beliau diISAkan selama 23 tahun. Bukankan perisik itu adalah di kalangan AJK tertinggi parti. Bukalah sejarah Memali. Siapakah yang menjadi dalang dalam memberi maklumat kepada pihak polis?
Begitu juga dengan cerita Lee Kuan Yew bekas Perdana Menteri Singapura dalam bukunya The Singapore Story : Memoir Of Lee Kuan Yew menceritakan bagaimana beliau turut menjadi sasaran pihak polis cawangan khas sebelum beliau menjadi perdana menteri Singapura.
Baca juga kisah2 tahanan ISA apakah antara tawaran yang mereka terima sekiranya mahu diri mereka di bebas dengan segera. Bukankah tawaran itu ialah kesanggupan tahanan ISA menjadi ajen kepada pihak polis sama ada di dalam masyarakat mahu parti politik yang telah di tentukan oleh pihak polis selepas mereka di bebaskan.
Kekalutan yang berlaku kebelakangan ini di kalangan Pakatan rakyat khususnya di dalam PAS sendiri tidak lari dari peranan perisik perisik yang berada di dalam parti itu sendiri. Mungkin jika di sebutkan di sini siapakah perisik perisik polis yang boleh di syaki di dalam Pas sudah tentu ianya akan menjadi satu perdebatan yang tidak ada nohtahnya kerana orang Pas tak mungkin dapat di terima jika yang di syaki itu bertitlrkan USTAZ.
Teorinya :
Sekiranya ajen tersebut kita andaikan seorang bekas tahanan ISA.
Setiap tahanan ISA akan di tawarkan beberapa pilihan jika mereka mahu segera di bebaskan selain ugutan. Antara tawaran itu ialah :
1. Mengaku atas segala tuduhan yang di lemparkan kepadanya.
2. Mengaku dan menyesal di atas penglibatan di dalam parti pembangkang.
3. Memilih mana mana parti kompenan BN sebagai wadah perjuangan jika di bebaskan.
4. Membuat tuduhan segala kerja yang bertentangan dengan undang2 adalah arahan dari parti atau pun pimpinan parti.
5. Bersetuju untuk menjadi mata dan telinga serta agen propaganda polis di dalam parti, organisasi dan masyarakat.
Kita ambil perkara yang ke 5.
Bagi tahanan yang sudah tidak tertahan lagi dengan segala deraan mental dan memilih untuk menjadi ajen kepada pihak polis ianya akan terbahagi kepada 2 kerja iaitu ;
1. Menjadi seorang yang mengeluarkan maklumat dan rahsia parti.
2. Menjadi seorang yang membuat propaganda untuk memecah belahkan parti.
Bagaimana bekas tahanan ISA ini melolos diri di dalam parti pembangkang terutamanya PAS?
1. Tahanan ini akan memuncak namanya bila beliau di tahan dalam ISA lebih2 lagi beliau adalah seorang bekas aktivis parti sebelum dia di tahan dan mendapat liputan media seperti harakah.
2. Apabila di bebaskan beliau akan di sambut sebagai seorang wira yang berjaya mengharungi dugaan di dalam tahanan dan mula berjinak dengan ahli2 Pas di tempat beliau di arahkan untuk menyusup masuk ke dalam jawatankuasa parti
3. Selepas tamat tempoh edah tahanan di rumah beliau akan terus menjadi seorang ahli yang aktif di dalam parti sambil menjadi tenaga pengajar di markas2 pas untuk menarik sokongan ahli bila ada mesyuarat agung parti.
4. Ahli pas yang sudah sinonim dengan kekaguman mereka dengan title ustaz tidak teragak agak untuk mencalonkan Ajen propaganda ini sebagai seorang yang penting di dalam organisasi di peringkat kawasan. Selalunya ini akan terus ke kepuncak iaitu jawatan Yang Di Pertua Pas kawasan.
5. Ajen propaganda ini akan sentiasa mendapat nasihat dan panduan daripada pihak polis di dalam semua urusan perancangan parti.
6. Perkara yang pertama yang Ajen propaganda ini akan lakukan setelah menjadi pemimpin tertinggi PAS di peringkat kawasan ialah
a. mencantas semua aktivis parti yang lebih pandai daripadanya atau yang dia rasa tidak boleh mengikut kehendaknya.
b. Melantik ajk kawasan mengikut kehendak hatinya di kalangan orang2 yang bodoh dan angguk2 tapi tidak boleh geleng2.
c. Memonopoli pentadbiran kawasan, pemuda dan muslimat dengan meletakan keluarganya sebagai ketua dan ajk
d. Menawarkan dirinya sebagai orang2 penting dalam organisasi di bawah Pas seperti Pemuda, muslimat dan Unit amal seperti menjadi Naqib dan sebagainya.
e. Ajen propaganda ini akan terus menjadikan dirinya sebagai seorang yang mempunyai kuasa veto dalam membuat keputusan dalam segala segala hal.
f. Seterusnya melobi dirinya dan orang bawahannya untuk terus melolos diri di dalam jawatankuasa perhubungan negeri dan akhirnya ke pusat.
7. Kejayaan Ajen propaganda ini dalam mendapat tempat di dalam organisasi parti akan terus di pecah2kan kerjanya kepada beberapa tindakan seperi membuat propaganda di dalam parti. Antaranya ialah :
a. Memecah belah perpaduan PAS di peringkat cawangan dengan mewujudkan klip2 tertentu iaitu pro beliau dan sebaliknya.
b. Menghasut ajk kawasan dan cawangan serta dewan2 untuk membenci pakatan rakyat iaitu DAP dan PKR serta Dato’ Seri Anwar.
c. Menimbulkan isu perkaumanan yang sempit.
d. Melarang ahli PAS membantu parti2 lain di dalam
e. Melaga lagakan ahli Pas dengan ahli PKR dengan mencipta berbagai isu di dalam usrah dan mesyuarat.
f. Meminta berbagai jawatan di dalam pentadbiran kerajaan negeri seperti JKKK dan ahli majlis di berikan kepada Pas terutamanya kroninya.
g. Merancang segala konspirasi senyap untuk terus membuat rakyat membenci Pas dan Pakatan Rakyat.
8. Hasilnya ialah
a. Berlakulah perpecahan di dalam Pas. PKR dan DAP menjadi musuh dengan alasan Pas tidak mendapat tempat di dalam pentadbiran kerajaan negeri.
b. Boikot Pemuda Pas Pulau Pinang dan beberapa kawasan2 dalam pilihan raya kecil Permatang Pauh.
c. Keluarlah kenyataan senada dengan UMNO dari perwakilan pemuda di dalam muktamar bahawa dato’ Seri Anwar adalah ajen USA.
d. Suara ahli tidak sampai lagi di telinga Pimpinan tertinggi kerana si perisik durjana ini akan menapis segala keluhan daripada ahli dari sampai keatas.
e. Segala keputusan dan maklumat parti sentiasa bocor.
Dengan itu berhati hatilah dengan manusia yang kamu sangka seorang yang hebat berjuang dan petah ayat qurannya. Mereka ini berada di sekeliling anda.
Mereka ini mungkin pemimpin anda. Jangan mudah kagum dengan orang yang keluar dari ISA kerana ada antara bekas tahanan ISA ini telah mementerai satu perjanjian dengan pihak polis. Berhati hatilah dengan mereka yang meminta jawatan.
Terpulanglah kepada penilaian pembaca sekalian di atas tulisan ini. InsayaAllah segalanya akan terbongkar. Hanya masa yang akan menentukan bila ianya akan berlaku.
Apa yang ditakutkan oleh si perisik durjana ini ialah jika kerajaan yang ada sekarang berubah kerana apabila semua pentadbiran keselamatan Negara bertukar tangan segala rahsianya akan bocor.
Perisik ini tidak mungkin akan dapat berlindung lagi bila segala fail pihak keselamatan akan di buka semula oleh Menteri Dalam negeri yang baru. Ketika itu rakyat akan tahu siapakah dalang di atas segala yang terjadi pada hari ini.
Oleh kerana itu perisik ini akan sentiasa memastikan BN akan terus berkuasa agar rahsianya akan terus tersimpan, tetapi di mungkin lupa di sebelahnya juga punya perisik yang tidak pernah tidur.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Malaysia Boleh ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Dear M,I appreciate your effort in disseminating information to your close friends. I would like to provide you with my “first hand” experience at KLIA yesterday.I returned from Hong Kong on flight MH 073 on 17th July 2012 which landed in KLIA at about 6.15pm. Disembarkation and baggage clearance was prompt with no hassles.When I arrived at the Immigration “autogate” there was a queue. There was no officer in the immigration booth manning the gates.I noted about seven Pakistani nationals; all in their national costumes, hogging all the autogates. They were struggling to put their passports in the passport reader and get their fingerprints verified.The Malaysians in the queue started commenting in loud voices: - “This lane is for Malaysian Passports only”- “Please join the other queue for foreign passports” etc.Some, thinking that they were foreign workers, got impatient and spoke with raised voices:- “ Barisan ini untuk Passport Malaysia”- “Tolong pergi ke kaunter international passport” etc.These gentlemen stood firm; oblivious to the comments, speaking in their native language and giving instructions to each other on how to use the reader. As more Malaysians arrived, the queue got longer.I broke out of the queue and checked their passports – and they ALL had Malaysian Passports. On enquiring, they responded in broken English that they had just arrived on flight PK 894 from Peshawar. All the Malaysians in the queue were shocked.Disgusted, I walked to the Priority Counter, (I had a Priority Pass) got clearance and asked the Immigration Officer how these people had obtained their Malaysian passports. He gave me a guilty smile. He also organised for an officer to help clear the line at the “autogate”.On leaving, I asked the Customs Officer the same question and his response was “Ini Biasa”.I have heard a lot about foreigners with Malaysian IC’s getting treatment in our Government Hospitals. A discussion with doctors; especially those manning the Emergency Wards, will confirm this fact. However, my experience yesterday confirms that something is drastically wrong in the implementation of policies in our country.I will leave it to right thinking Malaysians to form an opinion on my experience yesterday.Regards,
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Hajj and Umrah Information: Pilgrimage to Mecca
Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) says in the Holy Quran:
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Islam is that you testify that there is none worthy of worship (in truth) but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, you establish the prayer, you pay the Zakah, you fast in Ramadan, and you perform pilgrimage to the House (of Allah) if you have the capability." [Muslim]"Islam is built upon five; to testify that there is none worthy of worship (in truth) but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and to establish the prayer, to pay Zakah, to make pilgrimage and fast in Ramadan." [Muslim]
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Take (learn) your ritual acts from me." [Ahmed]Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) also said:
"He who does an act which our matter [Islam] is not [in agreement] with will have it rejected." [Muslim]"And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it)." [EMQ 59:7]
"Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example." [EMQ 33:21]
Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) addressed us and said:
"O people, Allah has made Hajj obligatory for you; so perform hajj."Thereupon a person said: "Messenger of Allah, (is it to be performed) every year? He (the Prophet) kept quiet, and he repeated (these words) thrice, whereupon Allah’s Messenger (saw) said: If I were to say "Yes," it would become obligatory (for you to perform it every year) and you would not be able to do it." [Muslim]
1) It is one of the best deeds.
Abu Hurairah reported:
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked about the best of deeds. He (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Belief in Allah. He (the inquirer) said: What next? He (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: Jihad (struggle to the utmost) in the cause of Allah. He (the inquirer) again said: What next? He (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: Hajj Mabrour (an accepted pilgrimage)." [Bukhari- Chapter of Hajj].2) The best supplication is on Arafah.
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"The best supplication is the supplication on the day of Arafah (i.e. on Arafah)."[Tirmidhi – Chapter of Supplication]3) It is expiation (kaffarah ةرافآ) for sin.
Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah’s Messenger (saw) as saying:
"An Umrah is expiation for the sins committed between it and the next, and hajj which is accepted will receive no other reward than Paradise." [Muslim]4) You will return like the day you were born (sinless).
Narrated by Abu Hurairah:
Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever performs hajj to this House (Ka’aba) and does not approach his wife for sexual relations nor commits sins (while performing hajj), he will come out as sinless as a newly-born child." [Bukhari]5) The Hajj for the woman is Struggle (Jihad).
Narrated by Aisha (the mother of the faithful believers, who said:
I asked the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him)) "Messenger of Allah is there jihad for women" The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Yes there is jihad upon them, there is no fighting involved in it, Hajj and Umrah." [Ibn Majah] #30136) Its reward is Paradise (Jannah ُةَّنَجْلا).
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"The accepted hajj has no other reward, except Paradise." [Bukhari] #1773THE PREPARATION FOR HAJJ
1) Taqwa.
Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) says:
"O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except as a Muslim (in a state of Islam)." [EMQ 3:102]Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Fear Allah where ever you are." [Tirmidhi]2) Study the Rulings (ahkam ماكحا) related to Hajj.
Studying the Islamic rulings related to hajj. This will cause greater awareness and thereby increase ones taqwa.Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) says:
"Those who truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge." [EMQ 35:28]It will also ensure that a person is not ignorant with regards when to perform a particular action whilst on Hajj and thereby avoid making any errors or bidah (innovation)
3) Give people their Rights (haqouq قوقح).
Give back what was given to you in trust (amanah) by others, as you do not know whether you will return from Hajj. It may be that Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) has decreed that your life ends whilst you are there.Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) says:
"And if you are on a journey and cannot find a scribe, then let there be a pledge taken (mortgaging); then if one of you entrust the other, let the one who is entrusted discharge his trust (faithfully), and let him be afraid of Allah, his Lord. And conceal not the evidence for he, who hides it, surely his heart is sinful. And Allah is All-Knower of what you do." [EMQ 2:283]4) Leave worldly matters (dunyaa) behind you.
The hajj has hardship associated with it, which will test each and every one of our limits. We should be concerned with performing all the hajj rites correctly. Avoid taking more than what is necessary as it will only become a distraction, this could be even in the case of mobile phones, laptops, cameras, camcorders, etc.Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with him)) said:
"The hour of your life is three, the first hour passed and you don’t know if Allah (the Glorified and Exalted)) accepted it. The hour you are in now invest with good deeds. The hour coming you don’t now if you going to reach it."5) Clear your debts (adyaan نايدأ) if you have any.
The one in debt must always have intention to pay back the creditor.Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Whosoever takes money of the people and has the intention to give it back Allah will pay it back on his behalf, and whosoever takes it without the intention to pay it back, Allah will waste it." Muslim]6) Remove the diseases (amraad ضارمأ) of the heart.
Get rid of diseases such as nationalism, arrogance, backbiting, hatred, partisanship and showing off.Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"He is not one of us who calls for `Asabiyyah, (nationalism/tribalism) or who fights for `Asabiyyah or who dies for `Asabiyyah." [Abu Dawud]Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) also said:
"Leave it, it is rotten” (Muslim and Bukhari) in reference to racism, nationalism, and patriotism."7) The funding for Hajj should be lawful (halal للاح).
Do not use money from usury, gambling, and the sale of alcohol sale or any other means of fasad (corruption).Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) says:
"O you who believe! Fear Allah, and give up what remains of your demand for usury, if ye are indeed believers." [EMQ 2:278]Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Verily Allah is pure and accepts only what is pure." [Muslim].Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) also said:
"The halal (lawful) is clear and the haram (unlawful) is clear." (Bukhari).8) Be careful of oppression (zhulm ملظ).
Stop oppression such as to prevent your wife from going to hajj or not to leave enough provision for the wife is she is left behind. Even to leave the cat alone at home without making provisions for it is zhulm.THE PILLARS OF UMRAH AND HAJJ
There are three Pillars of Umrah:
1) Ihram (مارحلإا) the Hajj clothes.
2) ITawaf (فاوطلاو) circumambulation of the Ka’aba.
3) Sa’ee (يعسلاو) going between Safaa and Marwah.
Any other action, such as praying two rakah behind Maqam Al-Ibrahim, drinking Zamzam water and trimming the hair are recommended (mandoub).There are four Pillars of Hajj:
1) Ihram (مارحلإا) the Hajj clothes.
2) Arafah (ةفرعب فوقولاو) standing in Arafah.
3) Tawaf (فاوطلاو) circumambulation of the Ka’aba.
4) Sa’ee (يعسلاو) going between Safaa and Marwah.
Any other action, such as praying two rakah behind Maqam Al-Ibrahim and drinking Zamzam water, stoning Jamrah, Udhiyah/Qurbani (sacrifice) and shaving the hair are recommended (mandoub).THE THREE DIFFERENT WAYS TO MAKE HAJJ
1) Hajj Al-Ifrad (دارفلاا جح) – Solely Hajj (without Umrah).
2) Hajj Al-Qiraan (نارقلا جح) - Umrah and Hajj with no break in ihram.
3) Hajj At-Tamattu (عتمتلا جح) – Umrah and Hajj with a break in ihram.
Make sure you are clear in your intention. So say “Labaykallah Umrah” or say “Labaykallah Hajj Tamattu” (if you are performing Hajj Tamattu).THE CONDITIONS OF THE PILGRIM
Hajj becomes obligatory upon the one who fulfills the following conditions:
1) Al-Islam (ملاسلإا) - To be Muslim.
2) Al-Aql (لقعلا) – To be sane.
3) Al-Balough (غولبلا) – To be mature (i.e. reach puberty).
4) Kamal Al-Hurriyah (ةيرحلا لامآ) – To have complete freedom i.e. is not a slave.
5) Al-Istataa’ah (ةعاطتسلاا) – To have capability. The capability is three:.
A. Finance – to pay for travel and expenses, and have no debts.
B. Health – to be able to perform all the rites of Hajj.
C. Security – to be able to travel to and from without harm.
6) Wajoub Al-Mahram (مرحملا دوجو) – A woman must have a mahram with her when she goes to Hajj.
If a Muslim fulfils all the above criteria, then he or she should not delay performing the Hajj, rather it would be considered Qada (missed/owing).IHRAM
The Miqat is the place where every pilgrim must wear their ihram and make intention to perform Umrah or Hajj. The pilgrim must not pass this zone without ihram; otherwise they will have to pay fidyah (penalty). The Messenger (saw) specifically named the Mawaaqeet (zones) and for whom they are applicable.Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"(the Miqat) for the people of Madinah is Dhul Hulaifah, for the people of Sham is Al Jahfah, for the people of Najd is Qarn Al Manzil and for the people of Yemen is Yalamlam."(Bukhari).Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) also said:
"For the people of Iraq (their Miqat is) Dhaat 'Irq'."[Nasai – Chapter: The Rites of Hajj]The Mawaaqeet (Zones) For Umrah And Hajj جحلاو ةرمعلا تيقاوم
There are five zones:
1) Dhul Hulaifah (اذ ةفيلحلا) is 450km to the north of Mecca and is the Miqat for the people of Medina.
2) Al-Juhfah (ةفحجلا) is 187km north-west of Mecca; people also call it Rabigh, usually for people from Jeddah and also those coming from Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon.
3) Qarn Al-Manazil (نرق لزانملا) is 94km to the east of Mecca overlooking Arafah and is the Miqat for the people of Najd.
4) Yalamlam (ململي) is 54km to the south of Mecca and is the Miqat for those coming from Yemen.
5) Dhatu Iriq (تاذ قرع) is 94km to the north-east of Mecca and is the Miqat for the people of Iraq.
However, today it has become common practice for the pilgrims to wear their ihram before reaching the Miqat and to make their intention once they reach the zone. If you travel to Hajj by plane, they will announce when to wear the ihram and make niyah (intention). Those pilgrims not flying will make ihram at the closet Miqat to them and those residing inside the zone i.e. (Mecca) will start from where they are.IHRAM OF THE LIBAS (سابل مارحلاا) CLOTHES.
A person that is in the state of ihram is called muhrim (masculine) and muhrimah (feminine).THE HAJJ CLOTHING FOR MEN:
The Men’s clothes entail two helmless towels (color white preferred) and slippers.1) Ridaa’ (ءادر): is the towel used to cover the upper torso.
2) Izaar (رازا): is the lower towel, sometimes this is clipped on by a belt. or safety pin. It must cover the part of the body that is between the navel and knees.
3) Ni’aal (عنلا): are the slippers; the straps should not cover majority of the feet. In ihram you cannot wear shoes of any form.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"let some of you wear Ihram with the Izaar, Ridaa’ and Niaal."The recommended acts before putting on the ihram:
It is recommended for the muhrim to clip his fingernails, trimming the moustache, shave off the hair from under the armpits, shave the pubic hair, make ablution or preferably taking a complete bath (ghusl), to comb their beard and hair.Ibn 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
"It is Sunnah for a pilgrim to take a complete bath before entering the state of ihram or before entering Mecca." This is reported by Al-Bazzar, Ad-Daraqutni, and Al-Hakim, who considers it a sound hadith.Perfume may be used on the body as well as the Hajj clothes initially, even if it continues to smell afterwards.
Ibn 'Abbas said:
"Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) combed his hair, wore some perfume, put on his Hajj clothes, along with his Companions, and then he set out from Medina accompanied by them."(Bukhari)THE HAJJ CLOTHING FOR WOMEN
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"women who make Ihram should not cover their face nor wear gloves."A woman may temporarily cover her face by her hand, or make sadlu, which is to bring the khimar slightly over the face temporarily to shield the face from foreign men. If she keeps the covering on for longer than necessary she will have to pay fidya (penalty) for this.
Women usually cover using the following:
2. Women wearing shoes
3. Cupping, opening abscess, pulling a tooth
4. Wearing a belt or ring
5. Wearing non-perfumed kohl to the eyes
6. Killing flies or harmful animals
7. Sitting under the shade of a umbrella, tree or even a tent
2. Fighting or arguing
3. Wearing sewn clothesv
4. Cutting the hair
5. Trimming the nails
6. Using perfumed soap
7. Wearing perfume
8. Wearing hats (men)
9. Getting engaged
10. Getting married
11. Hunting
The best niyah is the one in the heart; however on Hajj we openly proclaim our intention which can be said as follows: “Labbaik Allahumma Umrah wal Hajj” (or Hajj Tamattu).TALBIYYAH (ةيبلتلا)
It is the Sunnah to recite the Talbiyyah loudly (for men) from the point of the Miqat until you reach Mecca.The Talbiyyah is as follows:“Labbaik Allahumma labbaik, labbaika la shareeka laka labbaik, innal hamda wanne'matah laka wal mulk, la shareeka laka”(“Here I am, O Allah! Here I am; Here I am, there is no partner unto You, Here I am; all praise and favors and sovereignty belong to You, there is no partner unto You”).
1) Recite the Talbiyyah until you enter Masjid al-Haram. You can enter the Masjid from any gate available and leave by any gate.2) Enter with right foot first. The Sunnah is to say the following when entering: “Allahhummaaftah li abwaba rahmatik”(“O Allah the doors to your mercy”)
3) Once you have entered Masjidul Haram make Al Idtibaa’ (عابطضلاا), which is to uncover the right shoulder and cover the left with the ridaa’ (upper towel).
1) Go straight to Al Hajr Al Aswad (رجحلا دوسلأا) ‘The Black Stone’ and start your tawaf from there. There is no need to make salutations of the masjid (i.e. pray tahyahtul masjid), as tawaf is salah.2) Touch the black stone with right hand and say Allahu Akbar. It is worth noting that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) used to kiss it and then say Allahu Akbar.
Dua (ءاعد) supplication during Tawaf
1) You may recite the following Dua whilst making tawaf:“Subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wala ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar, wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah” “Glory be to Allah, All praise is to Allah, there is no god but Allah. There is no power and no strength except in Allah.”2) Towards the end of each tawaf (round) when passing Yemeni Corner (نآرلا يناميلا) recite the following duaرانب انتآ في ايندلا ةنسح فيو ةرخلآا ةنسح انقو باذع رانلا.
“Rabbana aatina fidduniya hasanah wa fil aakhirati hasanah wa qina azaban nar.”("O Allah, our Lord, give us good in this world, and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of fire").3) It is acceptable to recite the Quran during tawaf since it is dhikr (remembrance).
4) You may make dua in any language you while performing tawaf. However, it is recommended in Arabic since it is part of the Sunnah.
5) Study the dua of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
Raml (لمرلا) Hurrying
1) The Sunnah is to hurry in the first three tawaf (recommended for men not women). This is known as Raml.2) The last four should be done at ease. Thus, it’s better if the women meet their men at a meeting point after making the tawaf.
Taharah (ةراهط) Purity
1) You must have purity for tawaf the minimum being wudu.2) If you forget how many tawaf you made, then build on yakeen (نيقيلا) certainty and continue counting from the last tawaf.
3) If you break your wudu during tawaf, you must go back and make wudu and start the count from the last full tawaf, i.e. starting again at the Hajr Al-Aswad (Black Stone).
1) When you have completed your seventh Tawaf, cover right shoulder with the ridaa’ (towel).2) Go to Maqam Al-Ibrahim and pray two rakats of voluntary salah (nafilah).
3) You need to pray behind Maqam Al-Ibrahim. However, you can pray anywhere in the masjid as a divine permit if you are unable to pray directly behind the Maqam Al-Ibrahim.
5) Don’t pray in Jama’ah (congregation).
6) Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) used to recite the following surahs:
DRINKING ZAMZAM WATER برشي نم ءام مزمز
1) After praying 2 rakat at Maqam Al-Ibrahim, touch or kiss the black stone and say Allahu Akbar (recommended).2) Then drink Zamzam water.
3) Perform Sa'ee.
SA’EE (BETWEEN SAFAA AND MARWAH) ةورلماو افصلا ينب يعسلا
Dua’ (ءاعد) Supplication between Safaa and Marwah
Firstly go to Mount Safaa, any step of it, and face the qibla. Raise your hands, and say the following verse: “Innas-Safaa wal marwata min sha’aairillah”(“Verily! Safaa and Al Marwah (two mountains in Mecca) are of the Symbols of Allah").Then say the following dua three times. “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Laa ilaha ilallah wahdahu lashareeka lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamd, wa huwa ala kulli shayyin qadir, laa ilaha ilallah wahdahu, anjaza wadahu, wanasara abdahu, wahazamal ahzaab wahadau”(Allah is Great! Allah is Great! Allah is Great! There is none worthy of worship except Allah alone, no partner has He, for Him is the sovereignty and the praise, and He is able to do all things. There is none worthy of worship except Allah alone, He helps his servants, He dealt with the confederate alone).
2. Always focus on the Ka’aba when making dua’.
3. It is recommended to make dua three times whenever you reach Mount Safaa and Marwah.
4. It is not necessary to go right to the top of Mount Safah or Marwah rather any point of it.
5. During the Sa’ee there is bit in the middle where to hurry is recommended which is called Raml, this for both men and women (women should take care not to expose themselves).
6. You may continue to perform Sa’ee if you have lost your wudu since the Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them) were giving the permission to do so. However, you must be on wudu at the start of Sa’ee.
7. If the time for Salah enters while performing Sa’ee, then break away to pray Salah and then continue from the last full cycle that you stopped at.
8. The last Sa'ee (i.e. the 7th one) should finish on Mount Marwah.
AL HAJJ جلحا
1. You must stay in Makkah and not leave for Mina. This is sometimes done for the convenience of the travel agent and not from the Sunnah.8TH OF DHUL HIJJAH - YAWMUL TARWIYYAH
1. Make ihram, from anyplace you are in Makkah, you do not need to go to any mosque.2. It is recommended to make ghusl (bath) and wear perfume beforehand.
3. Go and pray fajr at Masjidul Haram, then go to Mina.
4. At Mina you will pray Zhuhr and Asr combined without shortening. You will do the same with magrib and Isha.
5. You must be in Ihram before you go to Mina. If you do not have your ihram on you need to go back to Makkah to make ihram.
6. You will spend the night in Mina.
1. After sunrise you must leave Mina to go to Arafah2. Make sure you pray Fajr in Mina first
3. Anyone who catches Arafah even for a short while before Asr has caught the got Hajj.
The Messenger (saw) said “Al Hajj al Arafah – Hajj is Arafah”4. You can go to Masjid Namirah (optional)
5. The imam will give a khutbah then lead the Zhuhr salah and then tell the Hajjis to combine their salah with Asr
6. Stay in Arafah until Maghrib. Cant leave Arafah before Maghrib
7. The is a place called Wadi Urana in Arafah; you must avoid to stand there
8. If you have a horse or a camel it is recommended to stand over it. The Messenger (saw) stood over his camel and made dua facing the qibla
9. Whilst in Arafah you can do dawah, command good and forbid evil, read Qur'an, the best is to make dua (supplication). Te Messenger (saw) said the best dua’ is the one of Arafah,
10. the Messenger (saw) made the following dua in Arafah:
1. Do not pray Maghrib in Arafah but join it with Isha in Muzdalifah2. In Arafah, avoid any dunya (worldly) matter
3. Idle chit-chat or political talk
4. Do not cover the head with ihram
5. Do not hunt, shave, cut tree whilst in ihram
6. Do not make a special point of standing on the Jabl Ar Rahmah (Mount of Mercy) as it is bidah to believe it is more rewardable
1. The Messenger (saw) left after sunset for Muzdalifah2. Leave Arafah with tranquility
3. Find a place in Muzdalifah and stay till fajr
4. Pray Maghrib and Isha shortened and combined i.e. make one adhan and two Iqaamat; you have until the middle of the night to do this.
5. If you do not reach Muzdalifah before midnight you need to stop where you are and pray
6. In Muzdalifah you can go to an area called Misharul Haram where there is a masjid. Once you are there face the qibla and make dua t this is the Sunnah of the Messenger (saw)
7. You need to collect stones from Muzdalifah to use to stone the Jamaraat
8. Women may leave Muzdalifah before fajr i.e. when two thirds of the night has passed to go to Mina Ibn Abbas (ra) said: “The Messenger (saw) sent me with the weak women, the elderly and the disabled people when it was two thirds of the night”
10TH DHUL HIJJAH - YAWMUL NAHR (موي رحنلا) The Day of Slaughtering
1. This is the Day of Eid al Adha2. Pray Fajr at Muzdalifah and then travel to Mina to stone the Jamrah
3. Make Talbiyyah as you go to Mina, and travel at a hurried pace
4. First pray Zhuhr in Mina before you go to Wadi Muhasr (the place to stone the Jamarah)
1. There are three Jamaraat there:3. Stone the Jamrah with seven stones saying “Allahu Akbar” each time.
4. Ensure the stones actually hit the Jamrah, preferably going into the hole/funnel
5. When stoning the Jamarah Makkah should be on your left and Mina to your right
6. Once you have finished stoning you will go and make Qurbani (sacrificial slaughtering of an offering)
1. It is rewardable to do the slaughtering yourself2. If you cannot then delegate this duty to someone who is trustworthy
3. The condition for the one that slaughters are that he must be Muslim and prays
4. If you delegate the slaughtering, verify that it took place, either by confirming or witnessing it.
5. Normally people will offer a sheep for slaughtering, though you can offer extra to please Allah (swt) i.e. a camel etc, note this is not obligatory
6. Once you have slaughtered then shave or trim the hair
1. Men have to option to shave the head (recommended) or trim. Women should only trim their hair. The Messenger (saw) made dua’ three times for the one who shaved their hair, whereas he (saw) made dua only once for the one who trimmed his hair.2. You may now have a wash and change out of ihram and wear fresh clothes
3. After that all prohibitions are removed except having intercourse with your wife, this is called: At Tahallul (للحتلا)
TAWAFUL IFAADAH (فاوط ةضافلإا)
1. Go back to Masjidul Haram and make seven circumbulations around the Ka'bah(Tawaful Ifaadah)2. There is no need to prayer two rakat behind Makam Ibrahim after this tawaf
3. There is no need to do idtaaba’ as you will make tawaf in your ordinary clothes
4. Then do the Sa'ee for Hajj between Safaa and Marwah
5. Leave Makkah to return back to Mina before midnight
6. All that all things are halal even your wife.
The ayah says, Then let them complete the prescribed duties (Manasik of Hajj) for them, and perform their vows, and circumambulate the Ancient House (the Ka'bah at Makkah). (Al-Hajj 22:29)2. Halaq wa Taqseer – Shave or trim hair
3. Dhabi Hadi – Slaughter animal
4. Tawaful Ifaadah – Tawaf of Hajj
1. From Mina after Zhuhr Salah go to Stone the Jamaraat.2. Start by small, then middle and then the biggest; using 7 stones for each jamarah.
3. Makkah should be on your left hand side and mina on your right.
4. Make dua facing the qibla, after stoning the small and middle Jamaraat, but not after the big one.
5. Spend the night in Mina.
1. From Mina after Zhuhr Salah go to Stone Jamarah.2. Go there and start by small, then middle and then the biggest; using 7 stones for each jamarah.
3. Makkah should be on your left hand side and mina on your right.
4. After this go back to Mina and leave for Makkah. You must leave the borders of Mina before Maghrib.
5. The one who does not must stay for a forth day and complete stoning prior to leaving. You have the length of the entire day to do so and then leave.
1. Tawaful Wadaa’ is the farewell tawaf for when you leave Makkah.2. There is no prayer behind Makam Ibrahim for this tawaf.
3. It can be left, but best not to leave it more than two days.
4. Upon completion of Tawaful Wadaa’ you must leave the Miqat area.
Pass this message to all Ur friends
In front of the trial room take your mobile and make sure that mobile can make calls........
Then enter into the trail room, take your mobile and make a call.....
If u can't make a call......!!!!
There is a hidden camera......
This is due to the interference of fiber optic cable during the signal transfer......
Please forward this to your friends to educate this issue to the
public......To prevent our innocent ladies from HIDDEN CAMERA...........
Pinhole Cameras in Changing Rooms of Big Bazaar, Shoppers Stop?
A few days ago, I received this text message:
Please don't use Trial room of BIG BAZAAR there are pinhole cameras to make MMS of young girls.
So, please forward to all girls. Also forward to all boys who have sisters and girlfriends.
Don't be shy in forwarding this message. Because its about protecting the integrity of all girls & ladies.
When we visit toilets, bathrooms, hotel rooms, changing rooms, etc., How many of you know for sure that the seemingly ordinary mirror hanging on the wall is a real mirror, or actually a 2-way mirror I.e., they can see you, but you can't see them. There have been many cases of people installing 2-way mirrors in female changing rooms or bathroom or bedrooms.
It is very difficult to positively identify the surface by just looking at it. So, how do we determine with any amount of certainty what type of Mirror we are looking at?
Place the tip of your fingernail against the reflective surface and if there is a GAP between your fingernail and the image of the nail, then it is a GENUINE mirror.
However, if your fingernail DIRECTLY TOUCHES the image of your nail, then BEWARE, IT IS A 2-WAY MIRROR! (There may be someone seeing you from the other side). So remember, every time you see a mirror, do the "fingernail test." It doesn't cost you anything. It is simple to do.
This is a really good thing to do. The reason there is a gap on a real mirror, is because the silver is on the back of the mirror UNDER the glass.
Whereas with a two-way mirror, the silver is on the surface. Keep it in mind! Make sure and check every time you enter in hotel rooms.
Share this with your sisters, wife, daughters, friends, colleagues, etc.
Pass this message to all Ur friends
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Penafian Ketua Kg Bongek
Friday, July 20, 2012
Ramadan Kareem
Thursday, July 19, 2012
A Threat to National Security
Sumber gua rembat dari Tony Pua
When SYABAS insisted on low water levels, visits by the Selangor State Executive Committee members Ronnie Liu and Xavier Jeyakumar to the various damns across the state yesterday proved that the dams are full and there is no shortage of raw water.
Now SYABAS has officially admitted yesterday that there is no shortage of raw water, but instead shifted the goal post to claim that there is now shortage of treated water.
This is essentially an admission that the SYABAS treatment plants are either operating inefficiently or there are not enough treatment plant capacity at existing water reservoirs.
SYABAS has to date been lobbying hard for the new “mega” Langat 2 treatment plant to be built, which will only be ready by 2014 at the earliest, but even then, the plant is meant to treat water sourced expensively from Pahang instead of the existing available raw water supply.
It is hence clear that the costly Langat 2 plant is not necessary. Instead, what is needed is a thorough review of the existing water treatment plants operated by the concessionaires – Puncak Niaga Sdn Bhd, Syarikat Pengeluaran Air Sungai Selangor Holdings (SPLASH) and Konsortium ABASS.
If required, Selangor Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim has already promised build additional capacities at the existing treatment plants, and these measures will take less than a year to complete compared to the Langat 2 project.
The Menteri Besar has also highlighted the fact that Syabas has failed to reduce non-revenue water below the contractual threshold of 20 percent; owes nearly RM3 billion to its water treatment facility operators; and has failed to invest in facilities and infrastructure to fulfill its responsibility of supplying adequate water to the state.
The entire “water-rationing” threat is a ruse to frighten the people of Selangor into forcing the approval of the Langat 2 project which has nothing to do at all with the alleged low levels of treated water.
It is a fear-mongering tactic used by SYABAS which is 70% owned by Puncak Niaga, firstly to help Barisan Nasional win Selangor in the next general election in order to perpetuate their control over water rights in the state.
Secondly, it is an excuse to try and force the state government to agree to the RM3.94 billion Langat 2 project to source raw water from Pahang which is much more expensive than the existing raw water as well as other available means. The Selangor government has refused permission for the Langat 2 project as it is not only unnecessary as shown by the overflowing dams in the state, it will raise the cost of water supply to the people of Selangor and hence add to the burden shouldered by the Rakyat.
The privatization of SYABAS has resulted in the interest of the people of Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya being severely compromised. SYABAS can now act with impunity to threaten the security of the nation by holding the people and the state government to ransom. Such threats to our national security must be dealt with utmost urgency and without compromise. We call upon the Federal Government and Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) to immediately censure SYABAS for unilaterally threatening water rationing without prior consultation and review with the Selangor state government and other relevant authorities.
We also call upon the Federal Government to use the powers vested in the Minister of Energy, Green Technology & Water to complete the restructuring exercise of the water industry in Selangor in accordance to the spirit of the Water Services Industry Act (2006), which is to place water services under the control of the state government, to ensure that the rights of the people to quality and affordable water are fully protected. The BN government must stop pandering to its cronies and put the rakyat’s interest first.