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Ni Pengikut Gua

Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world

zwani.com myspace graphic comments

Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world to work and live in, while Malaysians are warm, friendly people who easily accept foreigners into their circle of friends.
Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world to work and live in. In addition, the country's tropical climate with its uniform temperatures allows light, comfortable clothing throughout the year.
Expatriates and their families will enjoy a safe and comfortable living environment with 21st century amenities, good healthcare and medical facilities, excellent educational institutions, and world-class recreational and sports facilities - at costs much lower than in their own countries.
One of the country's most distinctive features is its rich diversity of cultures, a heritage derived from its racial mix of some of the world's oldest civilisations - Malay, Chinese and Indian. This potpourri of race and culture has enabled Malaysians to speak at least two, and even three, languages - Malay (the national language), English, and their own mother tongue. Living in such a cosmopolitan environment, Malaysians are warm, friendly people who easily accept foreigners into their circle of friends.




Monday, March 18, 2013

Menang 23 kerusi DUN Negeri Sembilan !!!

“Respirar y Disfrutar De La Vida Que Es Muy Corta”
 "Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason" 

Sidiqin Omar
REMBAU 18 MAC: Pakatan Rakyat yakin dapat menawan Negeri Sembilan berdasarkan kaji selidik dan maklumat akar umbi, kata Ketua Angkatan Muda KEADILAN (AMK) Negeri Sembilan, kata Nazree Yunus.
Beliau berkata, ia hasil gerak kerja Pakatan berpandu maklumat dari pemandu teksi, peniaga dan semakan laporan pegawai awam.
“Kita ada berita gembira. Pakatan dijangka menang 23 kerusi. PAS dan KEADILAN tambah kerusi manakala DAP menang semua 11 kerusi yang disandang sekarang,” katanya.
negeri-sembilan-votingBeliau berkata demikian depan ribuan rakyat pada ceramah Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat di Kampung Pedas Tengah, Rembau 16 Mac lalu.
Negeri Sembilan ada 36 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) dan Pakatan hanya memerlukan empat kerusi lagi untuk menawan negeri berkenaan.
Selain itu, Nazree berkata, hutang terkumpul RM1.4 bilion kerajaan negeri kepada kerajaan Pusat menjadi bukti kegagalan pentadbiran Umno BN yang diterajui Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan.
“Tokoh korporat jadi Menteri Besar jaga Negeri Sembilan. Tapi apa jadi apabila diperintah Umno BN?” katanya.
Justeru, Nazree meminta rakyat negeri itu membandingkan pencapaian kerajaan Selangor yang memiliki rizab simpanan tunai RM2.3 bilion.
Sebelum ini, media kawalan Umno BN pada Jun 2012 melaporkan Adun BN Chembong, Mohamad Rais Zainuddin mencadangkan supaya Mohamad Hasan digugur sebagai calon PRU 13.
Ahli Parlimen Rasah, Loke Siew Fook pula pernah menggesa pejabat Peguam Negara menyiasat dakwaan Mohamad Hassan menyalur RM10 juta ke United Kingdom melalui perkhidmatan pengurup wang.
Short URL: http://www.keadilandaily.com/?p

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