


Selamat Datang Ke Bintongan





Ni Pengikut Gua

Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world

zwani.com myspace graphic comments

Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world to work and live in, while Malaysians are warm, friendly people who easily accept foreigners into their circle of friends.
Malaysia is among the most friendly and hospitable places in the world to work and live in. In addition, the country's tropical climate with its uniform temperatures allows light, comfortable clothing throughout the year.
Expatriates and their families will enjoy a safe and comfortable living environment with 21st century amenities, good healthcare and medical facilities, excellent educational institutions, and world-class recreational and sports facilities - at costs much lower than in their own countries.
One of the country's most distinctive features is its rich diversity of cultures, a heritage derived from its racial mix of some of the world's oldest civilisations - Malay, Chinese and Indian. This potpourri of race and culture has enabled Malaysians to speak at least two, and even three, languages - Malay (the national language), English, and their own mother tongue. Living in such a cosmopolitan environment, Malaysians are warm, friendly people who easily accept foreigners into their circle of friends.




Friday, April 17, 2009


Pilihanraya kecil Bukit Gantang , Bukit Selambau dan Batang Ai pada 7hb April 2009 telah berlalu. Keputusannya Pakatan Rakyat menang di dua bukit, tewas di Batang Ai. Rumusan bolehlah dibuat, saki baki mereka yang menyokong Umno di negara kita ialah;

1.Orang yang bodoh

2. Mereka yang berada di pendalaman yang tidak dapat ekses maklumat selain daripada TV dan akhbar perdana

3.Ustaz pengampu dan mata duitan (ustaz dollar and sen)

4.Peniaga yang ada kepentingan kontrak kerajaan

5.Orang miskin yang jahil

6.Orang yang tidak hadir ke kuliah agama

7.Orang yang keras hati dan buta hati

8.Nasionalis Melayu totok

9.Kaki pengampu

10.Orang yang suka budaya rasuah politik.

11.Orang yang tidak berminat ke surau dan masjid

12.Orang yang berjiwa hamba (jiwa kerdil)

13.Orang yang merasa sudah berada di zon selesa.

14.Orang yang longgar pegangan agama

15.Orang yang suka mendedahkan aurat.

16. Orang yang jauhkan diri dengan ulama’ yang muttaqin.

17.Orang yang suka kepada program munkar.

18. Orang yang memisahkan diri dengan kehidupan akhirat.

Hanya orang-orang yang berakal sahaja yang dapat melihat keburukkan Umno , sedangkan orang-orang yang buta hati dan mati akalnya masih setia untuk berjuang untuk pemimpin Umno yang tamak dan rakus!

sumber :- Ustza Idris Ahmad

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